Friday 21 March 2014

Survey Assignment #5

Purpose of the survey:

For Assignment #5, I decided to develop a survey on reading, with an objective that would identify preferred reading choices and possible indicators of reading issues. This information would assist in identifying the type of books that would be most beneficial when purchasing for the library. This type of a survey would be used for my school libraries and would be administered to students. For this assignment, I had adults complete the survey, so I would definitely be adding to this survey. I would include and opportunity for the students to give examples or titles of books they would like to have in the library. I would also have included ebooks as a reading option.

First Draft:

When I had a colleague look at my survey, the following comments were made:

#1 - I had to think about this for a moment, really consider what I thought makes me a good reader.  To me that means that I can fluently read what is in front of me and comprehend the material.  Is that what you meant by 'good' reader?  I based my answer mostly on my ability to comprehend and use the Comprehension Strategies.

#2 - easy to comprehend and complete.  I could recall my efforts with learning to read and I am sure they are accurate.

#3 - easy to comprehend and complete.  I added personal opinions and experience such as a blog.

#4 - easy to comprehend and complete. All my choices were listed.

#5 - easy to comprehend and complete.

#6 - (does the word 'you' needs to be added to the question)  I wondered if I could check more than one but realized I'd have to choose just one.

#7 - easy to comprehend and complete.

#8 -  easy to comprehend and complete. I liked being able to explain myself.

Reading Survey 2

It was a very basic survey so I did not have to change too much. I simply changed the information that was suggested. I wanted to keep the language simple as students will need to understand each question. After the survey was taken by my participants, I did notice that one person added an option on #6 "What time of day do you read the most". She added a checked box with "all day". I would also consider including reading during playing video games, as I'm presuming that this is a high concentration for many kids,

Friday 7 February 2014

Module 1 - Assignment #2

Module 1 – Assignment Two           Identifying an Evaluation Model

 I believe that a summative approach would be an appropriate method for evaluating this program for prenatal fitness in order to prevent type 2 diabetes melltus. I feel that this method would work well, as the researchers are seeking to find a solution to a medical issue and are focusing on an outcome for improving and/or preventing a health-related issue that puts Aboriginal peoples at risk. The process of evaluation for this program would benefit from using a variety of strategies for collecting the necessary data. Due to the nature of the study and the participants involved, it would be important for the evaluation to be well-controlled and contain accurate and credible data.

The intention of this program is meant to obtain a specific outcome, therefore I believe that a summartive approach would be the most beneficial method of assessment. The developers of the program have indicated that they are hoping to create a program that has a final goal in mind, and have developed various smaller programs in order to meet their end goal. The programs that they have chosen need to be tested to ensure the safety of the participants, so precise monitoring of all the women’s' progressions need to be evaluated and recorded throughout the process.

Due to the various activities that the program is offering, data can be obtained using several approaches. Interviews and/or questionnaires could be used for each participant at the beginning, middle and the completion of the program to obtain personal information about each lady’s progress.  Medical records would need to be kept, closely monitoring each participator’s health. Checklists could be used to keep track of the members' attendance, and journals could be used to keep track of each individual’s personal journey through the process. It would be important to identify if the women were consistently following the exercise regimen, as well as recording their diets and smoking habits. This information could alter the effects of the program results, so they would need to be recorded and considered when analyzing the final results.

I also believe that an important aspect of the evaluation that would need to be considered is the difference in age groups of the women participating. Although they were all introduced to the program at approximately the same time during their pregnancy, their age and fitness condition at the time of involvement would need to be taken into account.

After the completion of the program, further data would need to be collected to identify if the expected goal had been met. Post interviews and health related data would need to be obtained to see if the women's participation in the program had obtained positive results, identifying if the prenatal exercise program had prevented type 2 diabetes melltus from developing in offspring.

Regardless of how this program is evaluated, I do believe that precise results would be difficult to achieve as there are several factors that are conducive to inconsistencies when obtaining accurate results.  This would possibly lead to modifications for improvements in the program.

Friday 31 January 2014

Assignment One ETAD 809

I wasn't sure if I should post this directly to the blog or add as an attachement... if that is even possible, so I will just copy and paste the completed work. I do have to state that being a teacher, I found it difficult to comment on the Evaluation without expressing my own thoughts and feelings about the program. This tended to be a challenge!

Assignment One:

I have chosen to discuss an evaluation of the full-day kindergarten programs in Ontario, located at The evaluation looked at the impact  and benefits of early learning programs and their influence on childrens' academic future, and ways of improving the program.

I believe that the evaluation format was summaritive, as it looked at the effectiveness of a program and its ability to confirm the purpose that it had set out to achieve; early development of social and academic skills will improve success in a child's learning experience. This format also utilized data that was collected over a two year period, comparing results for  0 – 2 years attendance in the program. A variety of assessment tools were used to collect data, such as: surveys, observations, interviews with various participant involved in the study and student materials collected, all used to measure the level of success of the program. The evaluation not only looked at the impact of the program, but also looked at weaknesses found within the program, in order to make improvements.

I believe that the evaluation of this program presented many strengths during the assessment process.  The data was collected using several approaches such as in-person and telephone interviews, online surveys, focus group observations, classroom observations, teacher data collection, all to access information regarding measurement of child development. Several people were also involved in the process including parents, teachers, principals, early child development educators and community education partners, all with different expertise in early child development. 

The program also collected data using at a variety of measurements to indicate growth. These evaluations looked at the children’s' physical health and well-being, knowledge and communication skills, intelligence, maturity, their ability to socialize and their use of language. This allowed for a clearer representation of factors being identified, rather than focusing on only one aspect of academic growth.

The study also identified that it was essential to have the teachers and specialist in early childhood development work cooperatively throughout planning and executing of the full day program, the data collection process, and both attend professional development to ensure appropriate and effective training for the program. The data pointed out that in some situations, the teachers were the only partners who benefited from the professional training opportunities. This proved to be one of the weaknesses to the program.

Throughout the process, the evaluators recognized that there were weaknesses throughout the program. It became apparent that the roles and responsibilities of all the team members involved in implementing the program needed to be defined further in order to provide the best possible opportunities to ensure a successful program.  I agree with the findings that that when dealing with any early child development program, it is imperative that all members involved are equally committed to achieving absolute success, and need to be clear as to the expectations of their role. 

As a previous full-day kindergarten teacher, I find that this evaluation, for the most part, was done very well and their evidence showing that participation in the full-day kindergarten program benefits most children when it comes to increasing success in academics and social skills. I do, however, feel that “school readiness” for children also plays a factor in the program’s success and should be considered as part of the evaluation.  Children, who are at the low end of the age requirement, may not be ready for a full-day kindergarten, which could potentially negatively affect the outcome of the program. As well, children who have consistent parent involvement, including daily reading or letter recognition, also enter into a program with stronger academic skills.


Another consideration when evaluating any kindergarten programs success should be the involvement or completion of a preschool program prior to entering into a kindergarten program. From experience, in most cases, these children are recognizably more prepared for academic settings and have stronger social skills to start off the year.